The show kicked off with Caden Maina, Nathan Njenga, Bart Mugambi, Gabriel Kanja and Justin Karanja (S 3) who played a song by Them Mushrooms, ‘Jambo Kenya,’ on recorder. Next came Haydn Nyori Mathew Njogu, Liam Maina, Hugh Nyori, and Gregory Mogesa all in Grade 1, hitting the stage with the famous Christmas season carol ‘We Three Kings’. The first rap song to be presented was ‘Santa Disstrack’ by Logan Paul. It was catchy and was performed by Nathan Njogu, Jeremy Murimi, Dante Echessah, and Kyania Kyule (S 4).
This was closely followed by a piano performance by Owen Bett (S 2), who played ‘Gospel Flare’ and ‘Allegretto.’ Other piano performances were by Emmanuel Njenga (S 3) who also played ‘Gospel Flare’ and ‘Allegretto.’ Kerama Nyanyuki (S4) performed ‘Waltz in G,’ while Alvin Kimathi (S 5) entertained us with the piece ‘Swans on the Lake.’ The trio of Aidan Muiga, Dylan Mungatta and Jeffrey Kamau (G2) later took to the stage with the rap ‘Mans Not Hot’ by Big Shaq, which we must say they did well to pull off.
After that piece of entertainment came Ignatius Maina (G 2) & Enock Maina (S 5), (not brothers) who took a shot at Eric Wainaina’s patriotic song ‘Daima Kenya.’
This year we had a magician all the way from Puerto Rico, (according to our fancy master of ceremonies). This young boy called Caesar Okumu astonished us with the trick ‘I know your card’ revealing the judge’s card, which was a nine of spades.
Jeremy Gitiba (S 7) later performed a song titled ‘Mama’ by Jonas Blue after Jonathan Mwangi’s (G 2) piano performance, ‘Piano Surlisse.’
The Akwaaba Dance was the climax of the show. Seven boys went on stage filled with energy and danced to the recently released song by Mr. Eazi. They were: Gabriel Kariuki, John Paul Musundi, Nigel Otieno, Leishery Munene, (S 6), Michael Odhiambo (G 2) and Elvis Githinji (S 5).
Jimmy Mathenge (S 5), sang in a powerful soprano, ‘All of Me’ by John Legend.
Julian Mayieko, Jermaine Muchiri and Michael Karanja (G2) performed a gospel song titled ‘Chosen Generation’, which is a popular hit from 2 years ago.
Then, it was interesting to have a class 5 pupil, Enock Maina, put away his cowardice and sing ‘Coward of the County’ originally by Kenny Rogers, and typically any parent’s favourite artist.
Roman Mburu, Leo Mwagambo, Ryan Khafafa, Adam Otieno, Christopher Kiai and Tyler Maina treated us to a comical skit which they organised on their own, thanks to an idea they got from one of their teachers.
The last performance was by a group of class 5’s who treated us to a rap ‘Black’ without instruments but instead tried having someone beatbox for them.
Truly, the second edition of the Primary Talent Show will be remembered for a long time.