Past Student Paul Makawiti (F.4 2016) chosen as Valedictorian

Paul Hawi Makawiti, Class of 2016 will graduate tomorrow, Thursday 25th January 2018. He has been chosen as the valedictory speaker. The ceremony will be streamed live from 7:15 am East African Time to around 8:30 am. It will also be uploaded to YouTube afterwards.

Below is the livestream link.

We managed to interview him from Australia. He told us the following:

“This is my foundation program, which is a bridging course to enable entry into The University of Melbourne. I did 2 compulsory subjects (English and History of Ideas) and 3 electives (Accounting, Psychology and Environment, Development and Design). It was about 7 months, from July to January (it’s the July Fast Track Intake). The main program is usually 10 months. I will begin my university education (architecture) towards the end of February at the Melbourne School of Design, a well-known architecture school.”

We wish Paul the very best in his studies.

Thank you for flying the Strathmore and Kenyan flag high!

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