Launched on 8th June 2024; Mawio is dedicated to empowering students from greatly challenging backgrounds from our sub-county, Westlands by providing them with the necessary tools and guidance to enhance their educational journey. This incredible weekend program is designed specifically to improve the academic performance of junior school students and create a supportive community for their families.

Every Saturday, we welcome the boys to Strathmore School, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. During their time with us, we focus on teaching them vital subjects such as Mathematics, Science, English, Kiswahili and Social Studies, equipping them with comprehensive foundations.

In collaboration with five public junior schools in Kibera, Kawangware, and Kangemi, Mawio actively supports 40 grade 6 students. These schools face resource constraints, making our partnership crucial in ensuring these students have the resources they need to thrive. Additionally, our program goes beyond academics, nurturing character development and life skills through engaging activities, sports and enriching excursions.

Our commitment to these boys extends beyond their current academic year. Mawio is dedicated to supporting them until they transition to grade 10, nurturing them throughout their crucial years of education.

We are hopeful that this impactful journey will empower these young boys!

Support our bursary fund!