From the 2nd July to the 30th of July 2021 the Secondary section had the annual interclass Volleyball Challenge. After a month of captivating Volleyball games Form 4A won the challenge

Congrats to 4A!



Team 1



Team 2





























4A (3) v 4& (1); 3A (2) v 3& (3)


4A (3) v (1) 3&

This year we had a second prize giving day that had Form 1, Grade 1 and Grade 5 classes not in school. It was a brief ceremony in the afternoon featuring special recognition.

Dr. Joseph Abuodha and Dr. Mary Abuodha were the guests for the occasion. The couple are parents with sons in Grade 3 and Standard 6.

Dr. Joseph Abuodha, a past student of the school gave the students ideas and tips on how to make it through Strathmore School.


The Secondary Interclass basketball started on 28th May 2021 with a thrilling match of Form 3s vs Form 4.

Below are tables of standings and fixtures.



Team 1 Score Score Team 2


21 20 3&


37 24 3A


 24  22 2&


 25  29 2A


 44  17 2&


45   20 2A
11.06.2021  4A      4&


POOL A P W L F A Agg Points
4& 2 2 0 65 37 + 28 4(Q)
3& 2 1 1 44 43 – 1 3
2& 2 0 2 39 68 -29 2


POOL B P W L F A Agg Points
4A 2 2 0 82 44 + 38 4(Q)
3A 2 1 1 49 70 – 21 3
2A 2 0 2 49 66 -17 2

Congratulations to 4A!


The KCPE(Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) exam week (15th to 17th March 2020) had started so well with the rain sprinkles to indicate a sprinkle of blessing, and indeed it was. All the candidates sat for the KCPE exam successfully, without a glitch.

After their last paper, Social Studies, candidates were ushered to the luncheon; well set with keen adherence of the covid-19 protocols: I wear my mask, I wash my hands, and I watch my distance and watch my temperature. During the lunch session candidates registered their appreciation as they chatted and interacted with their teachers. The aroma welcomed everyone to the dinning room.

Their stay in the school could not be forgotten. They had a video session in the common room to recap their life since joining the school. Laughter rent the air inside the common room, laughter is medicine they say. If you want to appreciate growth then have an album. You will always have a reason to rejoice for another day! This is what the video session was about!

The match at the end of the day saw the staff versus the candidates having an entertaining football match. It started with a warm-up for both teams.

The cheering squad for the pupils was not left behind.

Scores were registered within the early minutes of the game with the candidates ahead in the first half.

The staff later proved to be the head and not near tail as they overtook the candidates in the second half. The match ended in a win for the staff team. Staff 3:2 Class 8. The match and celebrations of the day ended well!

We wish all the candidates all the best as they move on to the next level of life!

The graduation ceremony was held amidst the challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic. This has been a PDG of its own kind owing to the fact that it has happened at a time when the year just started. The PDG is a special establishment that shall renegade into the later PGD that will involve the whole school. With the covid-19 precedence there has been need to have the class 8 and Form 4 candidates to have exams away from the usual November December season. This has also altered the academic calendar. The event started off with mass and blessing of the candidates.

The guests of Honour were Mr. and Dr. Dimba whose accolade is in relation to the attachment to the institution since being a student, teacher and a parent for the last 12 years.

Mr. Raphael Mwangi Primary Section Head

The ceremony started off with speeches with Mr. Mwangi, the Primary Section Head, starting off with a speech and vesting of sashes to the class 8 candidates.

Mr. Alfred Odisa Secondary Section Head

The Secondary Section Head followed thereafter with a speech and vesting of sashes to the form 4 candidates. In his speech he impressed on the candidates their responsibility as an alumni to not only use, the academic knowledge they gained but also the Christian principles they gained, for as guide in their life.

Adrian Wachira Valedictorian Form 4 Class of 2020

The form 4 speech was later presented by Adrian Wachira. He requested a moment of silence in honor of Mr. Pike who succumbed to cancer. He emphasized their transition into men and thanked the Strathmore fraternity for the molding they received.

Mr. John Muthiora Principal

The principal Mr. Muthiora welcomed everyone to the momentous event. He asked for more prayers to the infected and affected as this has been a litmus test to relationships. He applauded parents for their endless support to the school. He noted that The virtue of discipline, resilience, considerable willpower and determination have been demonstrated. He pointed out the hard work of the candidates.

Awards were given to the various fields; academic, co-curricular among other cadre.

Below is Anthony Dimba. Sportsman of the year 2020.

Class 8 candidates and form 4 candidates had a group photo.

We thank all who took part in making the event a success.
God bless!

March 12th 2020 saw Strathmore School participate in the first round of Kenya Annual Mathematical Olympiad competition for the first time in the history of the school. The aim of this competition was to select Kenya’s team for the International Olympiad. The international Mathematics Olympiad is a Mathematical Olympiad for pre-university students, and is the oldest of the International Science Olympiads.

In the first round 20 Strathmore Math enthusiasts participated; 8 Form twos (junior), 4 Form threes (Senior) and 8 Form fours (Senior). The type of questions set in the first round were testing a lot of analytical skills. They provided an appreciable challenge and provoked thought and spirit of wonder. The first round picked the top 100 and top 200 in the junior and senior categories respectively. In the junior category two of our students: Robert Otieno and Mwangi Kimani secured slots in the top 20. In the senior category nine of our students qualified for the second round. They included: Allan Muruha (form3), Adrian Adambo (form 4), Jeremy Michoma (form4), Philip Miroga (form 4), Alvin Nyandeje (form 4), Ryan Chironga (form 4), Roman Njoroge (form 4), Victor Musila (form 4) and Mathew Mwangi (form 3).

The second round was held on 18th February 2021. The top 6 students in the country are to represent Kenya for the world stage. One of our boys, Jeremy Michoma emerged 5th best in an exam which demanded application that is different from the memorized concepts and routine techniques in the standard curriculum. He is to represent Kenya in Washington USA but due to Covid restrictions, it can only be held virtually sometimes this year. Congratulations to Jeremy.

Jeremy Michoma
5th Place

We also appreciate the exemplary performance of Allan Muruha position 22, Adrian Adambo position 49, Ryan Chironga position 49, Alvin Nyandeje position 73 and Philip Miroga position 77. In a special way we recognize Robert Otieno, a form 2 who sat the same paper with the seniors and managed position 100.

Below are the updates on the performance of the Basketball School teams for the Term 1 games for both KAISSO(Kenya Association for International Secondary Schools Organisation) and Nairobi County leagues. Keep visiting the page for updates:

Date Category League/Tournament Team 1 Score Score Team 2 Result
15.01.2020 UNDER17 KAISSO League Strathmore 9 37 N.I.S Loss
17.01.2020 UNDER19 KAISSO League Braeburn Gitanga Road 17 27 Strathmore Win
18.01.2020 UNDER19 I.S.K  Tournament Strathmore 14 32 German School Loss
I.S.K  Tournament Strathmore 8 22 I.S.K Loss
I.S.K  Tournament Strathmore 24 18 Hillcrest Win
I.S.K  Tournament Strathmore 8 29 R.V.A Loss
UNDER17 KAISSO League R.V.A 73 25 Strathmore Loss
21.01.2020 UNDER19 KAISSO League Premier Academy 30 48 Strathmore Win
24.01.2020 UNDER15 KAISSO League B.G.E 17 29 Strathmore Win
25.01.2020 UNDER19 KAISSO League R.V.A 15 81 Strathmore Loss
UNDER15 Hillcrest Tournament Strathmore 28 8 Premier Academy Win
Strathmore 23 2 Peponi Win
Strathmore 20 2 Hillcrest Win
Strathmore 38 11 Makini Win
Strathmore 16 10 Aga Khan (Semis) Win
Strathmore 18 21 Brookhouse (Finals) Loss
27.01.2020 UNDER19 KAISSO League Peponi 40 34 Strathmore Loss
UNDER17 KAISSO League Peponi 37 5 Strathmore
29.01.2020 UNDER17 KAISSO League Light International 38 17 Strathmore Loss
UNDER15 KAISSO League Light International 22 32 Strathmore Win
01.02.2020 UNDER19 Westlands Sub County Strathmore 36 24 Hospital Hill Win
Strathmore 29 19 Kangemi Win
Strathmore 22 33 Nairobi School Loss
03.02.2020 UNDER14 KAISSO League I.S.K 10 32 Strathmore Loss
04.02.2020 UNDER19 KAISSO League I.S.K 41 31 Strathmore Loss
UNDER17 KAISSO League I.S.K 19 41 Strathmore Loss
06.02.2020 UNDER14 KAISSO League Rosslyn 51 8 Strathmore Loss
07.02.2020 UNDER19 KAISSO League B.G.E 24 45 Strathmore Win
08.02.2020 UNDER19 Westlands Sub County Strathmore 32 20 St. Mary’s Win
Strathmore 35 25 Kangemi Win
Strathmore 46 13 Makini Win
17.02.2020 UNDER19 KAISSO League Hillcrest 45 26 Strathmore Loss
UNDER15 KAISSO League Hillcrest 22 27 Strathmore Win
19.02.2020 UNDER17 KAISSO League Rosslyn 23 22 Strathmore Loss
21.02.2020 UNDER17 KAISSO League Strathmore     B.G.R Loss
22.02.2020 UNDER17 Hillcrest Tournament Strathmore A 9 12 B.G.R Loss
Strathmore A 6 22 I.S.K Loss
Strathmore A 13 10 St. Andrews Turi Win
Strathmore A 7 10 Rosslyn Loss
Strathmore B     Hillcrest Loss
Strathmore B     Nairobi Academy Loss
Strathmore B     Premier Academy Loss
UNDER15 KAISSO League Strathmore 15 9 Peponi Win
Strathmore 20 17 St. Andrews Turi Win
Strathmore 20 4 B.G.R Win
25.02.2020 UNDER14 KAISSO League Rosslyn 18 29 Strathmore Win
29.02.2020 UNDER19 Westlands Sub County Strathmore 34 29 St. Mary’s Win
Strathmore 39 30 Makini Win
UNDER15 KAISSO League Strathmore 28 21 R.V.A Win

Below are the updates on the performance of the Handball School team for the Term 1 games County league. Keep visiting the page for updates:

Date Category League/Tournament Team 1 Score Score Team 2 Result
01.02.2020 Under19 Westlands Sub County Strathmore 4 22 Hospital Hill Loss
29.02.2020 Under19 Westlands Sub County Strathmore 5 9 Nairobi School Loss
Under19 Westlands Sub County Strathmore 8 6 Kangemi Win
Strathmore 6 5 Kangemi Win
Strathmore 3 22 Hospital Hill Loss
Strathmore 4 17 Nairobi School Loss
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