The above contest was held between Wednesday, 8th and Friday, 10th February 2017 at Oshwal Academy Nairobi. Our school presented participants from standard 1 to 6. Other schools that took part in this contest were:

  • Oshwal Academy (Host), Samaj School, Light Academy, Aga Khan School, Kianda School, Nairobi International School, Arya Vedic and Braeside School.

Our performance was as follows in various classes:

Standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6; Position 5, 6, 5, 1, 3 and 3 respectively.


The Swimming Club  participated in the 2017  Kenya Swimming Federation (KSF) Nairobi Minnow Meet in Makini School. The boys registered impressive results despite having only a few training sessions prior to the event. The  team was composed of Standard 3 and 4 boys. Frank Mwenje, Std 3, won a bronze medal in breastroke while Kerama Nyanyuki, Std 3, won 2 silver medals in backstroke and breaststroke.

On Tuesday, 17th January 2017, fresh and enthusiastic faces thronged the school main entrance in the company of their parents. This was going to be 2017’s Standard 1 first day of primary school. They enjoyed the company of their parents right up to the registration table where they were welcomed by the Head of Section and their Class Teacher. They were later taken through the class procedures and also familiarized themselves with the new school environment. Their first day in school ended well.

Tuesday, 10th January 2017 marked the beginning of Form 1 2017. Fresh and handsome faces milled around the Form 1 class very early in the morning. They were ushered into their classes by their Class Teachers at around 7:10 am. The boys look very eager, happy and ready to start the journey of 4 years.

As they begin their journey, we wish them success.

This year, Form One students reported to school much earlier than in previous years. Our Form One orientation was done on Saturday, 7th January 2017 in the common room. The Form 1 students  were welcomed by their Class Teachers who took them through the school procedures. The form 4 captains further took them around the school as they familiarized themselves with the new environment where will spend their next 4 years.

Thursday, 5th January 2017 marked the beginning of the new school year. All secondary students gathered for a formal ceremony at 7:30 am and 10:30 am for primary pupils at the swimming pool area. The Principal opened the school officially in both assemblies. He further welcomed the new students/pupils, teachers and the new assistant Chaplain. He thanked the school for the success in 2016 especially with the KCPE and KCSE classes.

We wish the Standard 8 and Form 4 candidates success as they prepare for their final examination in November.

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