This year 27 students from the Primary section received their 1st Holy Communion on 17th May 2024.

It was a colourful occasion presided by the School Chaplain Fr. Francis Rimbau.

Families and friends to the boys joined in the witnessing, thanksgiving and celebration to this memorable event for the boys.

First Holy Communion is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church for Christian initiation. The Catholic faithful born a new by Baptism is nourished by the Eucharist.

Check this link for more about the sacraments. (

The First Holy Communion for this year was one of a kind. Historically, we have had only Grade 3 boys receiving their 1st Holy Communion because this is when it is considered they have reached the age of reason.

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic we had grade 2 and 3 share this very important occasion in our school. The Grade 3 boys were supposed to have had it last year, but because there was no going to school, they had to wait for this year. This year the Grade 2 boys attained the age of reason. This is why we had the two classes celebrate this occasion at ago.

In the past we had a small party at school involving the cutting of a cake and all the involved parties having snacks and drinks in the school courtyard. This year people dispersed to their homes immediately after the Holy Mass. Parents and the boys generally enjoyed the occasion despite the fact that there wasn’t eating and crowds as has been the case in the past.

After about two years of preparation, 32 pupils of standard 3 finally received Holy Communion for the first time on Saturday, 20th May 2017. They had been looking forward to that moment with more and more eagerness as the final preparations were being made. The boys were also glad to receive their first confession that week and many of them were happy to go several more times to prepare themselves. Before the actual day, many of us also witnessed the boys rehearse for the ceremony, moving around the compound in two orderly lines guided by their class teacher Mr. Muiruri. Their effort paid off as their orderly movement helped to make the day a success.

In his homily, the chaplain, Fr. Francis reminded those present that this year is the 100th anniversary of the appearance of the Virgin Mary to three shepherd children in Fatima Portugal. He told them that before the 13th of May 1917, the three children received their first communion from the hands of an angel as a preparation for their first meeting with the Mother of Jesus and as a way of preparing them to receive the important message she had for the whole world. Fr. Francis further encouraged the boys to love Jesus in the Eucharist. As a show of their gratitude to Jesus, communicants sang a wonderful song.
The number of boys receiving first Holy Communion this year was the highest in the recent past and for that reason we had a large gathering of relatives and friends coming to witness the great moment. There were several grandparents present and they were clearly joyful at seeing the young ones make a major step in their Christian life. The boys as good hosts shared their joy with them by inviting their guests to a tasty bite of cake and other refreshments. Parents, sisters and brothers also assisted in making the other guests feel at home and making the day a great success.

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