On the morning of 21st January 2025, the 11:50 AM Mass at Strathmore School was a moment of gratitude and celebration. The Chaplain led the mass in offering thanks to God for the remarkable results achieved by the Form 4 class of 2024. A good number of the students, along with their parents, gathered to express their appreciation for the hard work and success that marked their journey.

Following the mass, the parents graciously presented three delicious cakes, which were shared among the teachers, assistant teachers, and auxiliary staff. Each staff member had the chance to enjoy a slice of the thanksgiving cake, symbolizing the shared joy and appreciation for everyone’s role in the students’ achievements.

The atmosphere was filled with warmth as parents, students, and teachers took time to reminisce about the years spent together, sharing stories and laughter. It was a moment to reflect on all the growth, challenges, and successes that the class of 2024 had experienced, and to give thanks for the blessings they’ve received.

We wish the Form 4 2024 class continued success in all their future endeavors. May they continue to shine brightly in all they pursue!

Mr. Geoffery Ngugi Kiruri, Strathmore’s longest serving librarian passed away on Wednesday, 16th October 2024 after a short illness. He will be laid to rest on Thursday, 24th October 2024 in his home in Muthiga Village, Kinoo, Kiambu County. The funeral service will be held at Gitumbi PCEA Church Kinoo, from 10:0am.

Mr. Ngugi’s journey at Strathmore started right at the beginning of the institution; indeed, he is one of the few people who literally participated in its building, brick, by brick. When construction work at Strathmore School (then Strathmore College) began, many young men at the time sought employment at the construction site. Many came and went but Mr. Ngugi’s diligence and industry caught the eye of the school administrators and they decided to keep him, and for a long time.

Formally joining the school in 1967, Mr. Ngugi worked in various capacities, culminating in his being appointed School Librarian, the last station he worked in at the school. Despite not having any formal training as a librarian, Mr. Ngugi self-trained and became one of the most effective librarians the school has ever had! Every time I went to him for a book, he would get it for me in record time, sometimes without even consulting the catalogue!

Many of us who interacted with Mr. Ngugi cherish memories of a gentle, almost bashful man whose welcoming smile was as gentle as it was genuine. A perfect peaceful man and true peacemaker, Mr. Ngugi did his work so diligently, yet so discreetly that he never drew attention to himself. Even when sometimes the students would be a little rowdy and deliberately did things to annoy him, Mr. Ngugi would correct them with such gentleness and with his signature smile. With time, they gave up trying to annoy him. They realized it was impossible to get him worked up!

Mr. Ngugi retired from employment in 2001 more from his own persistence than from necessity. Having rendered distinguished service to the school for over 34 years, he felt that time had come to let a younger person take his mantle. Finding a replacement for him was not easy. Men such as Mr. Ngugi do not come easy!

As we bid farewell to this great man, we can only give praise to God for creating such a great soul and loving us so much as to choose us to share his life with us.

On 5th and 10th October 2024 we had the Chaplain organise for reception of the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation for 38 boys drawn from Grade7, Grade 8, Form 1 and Form 3. The Sacraments were administered at the Saint Austins Parish.

The reception of the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation is a profound journey within the Catholic faith, marking the initiation and deepening of one’s relationship with Christ and the Church.

Baptism is foundational, as it establishes the basis for the entire Christian life, allowing the faithful to share in the divine nature through the grace of Christ.

Confirmation is crucial for completing the grace of Baptism, empowering individuals to live out their faith actively and courageously.

Through these sacred rites, the faithful are called to embrace their identity as children of God and to bear witness to His love in the world!

This year 27 students from the Primary section received their 1st Holy Communion on 17th May 2024.

It was a colourful occasion presided by the School Chaplain Fr. Francis Rimbau.

Families and friends to the boys joined in the witnessing, thanksgiving and celebration to this memorable event for the boys.

First Holy Communion is a Sacrament in the Catholic Church for Christian initiation. The Catholic faithful born a new by Baptism is nourished by the Eucharist.

Check this link for more about the sacraments. (https://www.vatican.va/archive/compendium_ccc/documents/archive_2005_compendium-ccc_en.html#The%20sacraments%20of%20Christian%20initiation)

We are saddened of the sudden demise of Gyavira Otsambo Osundwa, one of our students, on, Sunday, 11th February 2024.
The Strathmore School family wish to convey our deepest condolences to the parents: Mr. Kizito Osundwa and Mrs. Lydia Diffu and their family on this great loss.

Gyavira joined Strathmore School in Grade 7 from All Saints Primary School and has proved to be a cheerful young man who got along very well with his classmates and teachers. He was also a very pious young man who regularly attended Mass in school. We shall all miss him dearly.

The loss of Gyavira is a big blow to the school community, especially to his classmates. The chaplaincy offered Mass for the repose of his soul.
We are all invited to pray for the repose of Gyavira’s soul.

Eternal Rest grant unto Gyavira O Lord, and may perpetual light shine on him forever!

This year’s celebration of the Body and Blood of Jesus in the school was well celebrated with families in the school donating flowers which were used to create a petal carpet where Our Lord would passed over as He was brought to the library forecourt where the whole school community was present.

The boys and teachers came together to do the artwork on the pathway before the petals were placed in a pattern to form a colourful petal carpet.

For the form 4 students, the ceremony was their last in school, had the opportunity to be present in the procession led by the Grade 3 boys who recently received First Holy Communion.

Our Lord remained exposed in the altar throughout the day till 7.30pm. This was to keep the tradition of 12 Hours with the Lord where parents, staff and students had sessions in the chapel to be with Our Lord in the exposed Eucharist from 7.30am to 7.30pm all having turns.

It was a wonderful Thursday!

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