On Saturday 16th October 2021 the Form 4 class of 2011 had their reunion. From 10am to 5pm they were in school together like in the old times in school. They were 35 who physically attended.

They had a get together in the common room. Each had a chance to speak and give an update on what they are up to.

The teachers were represented by Mr. Maina, Mr. Gortazar, Mr. Muthiora and Fr. Joe. Fr. Joe led with prayers for the deceased members of the class. The class has 4 members deceased: Paul Korros, Brian Kiambati, Patrick Maina and Kevin Muthee.

Mr. Muthiora spoke of his memories of the class, marriage and commitment in marriage.

They had lunch and played rugby, soccer and basketball to recap the good memories spent together in school.

We wish the Form 4 Class of 2011 all the best!

On the 15th September 2021, Fr. Clavin Akunga celebrated the usual 11.50am mass in school. He is an alumnus of the class of Form 4 2002. He was accompanied by his brother Conrad Akunga alumnus class of Form 4 1998. Fr. Clavin Started his journey in Strathmore School from Standard 1 in 1991 and ended it in Form 4 2002. He was ordained to the priesthood at the Our Lady Queen of Peace Church South B on Sunday 22 August 2021 at the 11.30am mass. He was ordained priest by the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya Archbishop Van Megen.

Fr. Calvin is a priest of the Missionaries of Africa.

We accompany Fr. Calvin with prayers and wish him blessings and fruitfulness in his Pastoral duties.

The Form 4 class of 1989(8-4-4) had a reunion afternoon that coincided with the thanksgiving mass for the results of Form 4 and Standard 8 class of 2019. They had lunch and chats with the current students. They started an endowment fund (1989.8-4-4 class) with a cheque of ksh 500,000 presented to the principal.

On 27th September the school hosted its 1961 to 1970 cohort of alumni. It was a memorable experience for the alumni and their teachers as they relived their school days together with the current secondary section students. The alumni had a chance to tour the school. Most of them remarked that the school still looked the same as they had left it.

The alumni had lunch in the Dining hall in the same format they had back then when they were in school. The day ended with an entertainment session with the current secondary section students together with their teachers.

The current principal, Mr. John Muthiora gave a speech, followed by the 1st principal Prof. David Sperling. Chairman of the school board and alumnus, Mr. Mathew Njogu also gave a speech. Dr. Vincent Ogutu(Former Deputy Principal and alumni) gave the keynote address.

We hope this will be the start of so many reunions that will bring our alumni together!

On 31 January 2018, the class of Form 4 2018 were in school to give thanks for the good performance in last year’s KCSE examinations.

Families of the Form 4 class of 2018 joined the whole school at 11:40 am for Mass in the courtyard in front of the library facing the form 4 class rooms.

After the Mass, they had lunch with staff members. Speeches of thanksgiving followed with some exchange of gifts and farewell.

To the form 4 class of 2018. Congratulations! and we wish you success in life.

Paul Hawi Makawiti, Class of 2016 will graduate tomorrow, Thursday 25th January 2018. He has been chosen as the valedictory speaker. The ceremony will be streamed live from 7:15 am East African Time to around 8:30 am. It will also be uploaded to YouTube afterwards.

Below is the livestream link.


We managed to interview him from Australia. He told us the following:

“This is my foundation program, which is a bridging course to enable entry into The University of Melbourne. I did 2 compulsory subjects (English and History of Ideas) and 3 electives (Accounting, Psychology and Environment, Development and Design). It was about 7 months, from July to January (it’s the July Fast Track Intake). The main program is usually 10 months. I will begin my university education (architecture) towards the end of February at the Melbourne School of Design, a well-known architecture school.”

We wish Paul the very best in his studies.

Thank you for flying the Strathmore and Kenyan flag high!

Support our bursary fund!