Nowadays, Form One students do not wait for long to join secondary school thanks to the new changes by the Ministry of Education. Our Form One orientation was done on Saturday, 6th January 2018. The Form 1 students were welcomed by their Class Teachers who took them through the school procedures that will guide them during their stay in school. The form 4 captains further took them around the school as they familiarized themselves with the new environment where will spend their next 4 years.

Wednesday, 3rd January 2018 marked the beginning of the new school year. All secondary students gathered for a formal ceremony at 7:30 am and 10:30 am for primary pupils at the swimming pool area. The Heads of Sections, the Dean of Studies and the Deputy Principal addressed the boys. The speeches reflected on the successes of 2017 and the need to put more effort and overcome the few challenges encountered. The Principal opened the school officially in both assemblies where he welcomed the new students/pupils and the assistant teachers. He thanked the school for the success in 2017 especially with the KCPE and KCSE classes.

We wish the Standard 8 and Form 4 candidates 2018 success as they prepare for their final examinations in November.

The KCSE 2017 results were released on Wednesday, 20th December 2017.

Strathmore School presented 88 candidates. The school posted a good performance, with an average of 9.190.  3 students scored straight A, 15 scored A-, 23 scored B+, 24 scored B, 9 scored B-, 6 scored C+, 6 scored C, and 2 scored C-. This, therefore, gives a transition rate of over 90% to university.

The subjects that scored the best means were Computer Studies with a mean of 12,  Mathematics with a mean of 10.557 and French with a mean of 10.133. Improvement was noted in Computers Studies, Chemistry and English.

Below are the students who scored straight As.

Brian Gitahi


Phil Nyaga


Kenneth Nduati


The table below is a summary of the performance.

We wish to congratulate all our 2017 candidates and teachers for the hard work that was put into achieving these results.

The KCPE results were released on Tuesday, 21st November 2017. Strathmore School registered an average mark of 389.12. This a 15 mark improvement from 374.22 posted in 2016.

The school also posted a mean of above 70% in all the subjects with English (91.5%) and mathematics (80.41) taking the lead. Kiswahili, Science and SST/RE posted 70.89, 75.41 and 71.81 respectively.

The best pupil, Austin Kimathi, scored 437 out of 500 marks. 12 boys managed to score over 400 marks. 32 boys met the 370 cut off mark to the secondary section of the school. This translates to 84% transition rate, one of the highest in the history of the school.

The school wishes to congratulate the 2017 candidates for this splendid performance.

The School also congratulates to all the teachers who handled this class right from Standard One and especially those who prepared them for the KCPE examinations. Their hard work has been rewarded.

Special congratulations go to the candidates’ parents for walking with the candidates and for their sacrifices, time, energy and prayers, and most importantly for believing in them!

Austin Kimathi

Kyle Odula

Ryan Njoroge

Hubert Wanyeki

Matthew Wachira

Henezi Matiko

Mark Njenga

Augustine Chironga

Joseph Ngala

Victor Mathenge

Kerago Mbugua

Ryan Miriti

The school held a Career Day for form 4 students and their parents on Saturday, 7th October 2017. This event was aimed at sensitising both students and parents on issues such as university application, career choices and how to succeed at university. The Assistant Dean of Students at the University of Nairobi, a representative from Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Services (KUCCPS), The Executive Director of Discover your Talent LTD attended and had a chance to speak to the students and their parents on various issues touching on Careers. The day ended with a visit to the stands where some institutions had come to exhibit their courses and services they offer to students who have just completed form four. They included Brookhouse, Strathmore University, Eastlands College of Technology and various institutions that link students to foreign universities in Canada, Australia, UK e.t.c.

On Wednesday, 1st February 2017, Form 1 2017 parents attended their first meeting that was held in the common room. The meeting started at 3:45 pm. The aim of the meeting was to welcome parents and tell them how the school operates. The Principal introduced the Class Teachers and Subject Teachers of form 1 who were present. He went ahead to explain about the school before inviting the Head of Secondary section who talked about Academics and Discipline. The Head of the Tutorial Department had an opportunity to tell parents about the tutorials which help in a special way in understanding every individual boy in school. The Director of Hodari Club also got an opportunity to explain about the club and how they run their activities. The final speaker of the day was the School Chaplain who talked about the School Chaplaincy and how it helps to mould an individual to be able to grow academically and spiritually.

We wish the Form 1 parents all the best as they start their long journey in the school.

The release of the 2016 KCSE results late last year generated a lot of interest. These were the most credible national examinations results in a long time. The highlights of the results were the reduced number of students who managed to score the aggregate A Grade and the decline in performance in a number of subjects including English, math and chemistry.

Despite all these odds, Strathmore School emerged the top school in the country in three subjects: math, English and French. This success was undoubtedly the fruit of the hard work of the candidates with the support of the parents and teachers who generously gave themselves.

The firm foundation that our students receive in Form 1 and 2 in English especially by inculcating the reading culture through the reading of English classics is largely responsible for the good performance in the subject. As any good teacher of English will tell you, success in productive skills in language: Speaking and writing is heavily dependent on receptive skills: reading and listening. The school’s investment in IT in the classrooms has also gone a long way in improving the teaching of languages. Students can now watch videos on speaking skills, oral literature and set books in class. This has contributed in the enhanced performance in English and French in the national exams.

For a long time now, Strathmore has been the top school in mathematics in KCSE examinations. This culture of excellence in mathematics has been maintained through the shaping of the attitudes of the students. The teachers of math have continuously inflamed the students with their passion for the subject. Even the students who might have joined the school with a defeatist attitude towards the subject have been transformed over time. Of course, this has been complemented with a lot of hard work on the part of the teachers and the students.

We cannot take this success for granted. We wish to thank the parents of these candidates for the support they gave their sons to realise these good results. Being a day school, Strathmore heavily relies on the support of the parents in ensuring that the students keep disciplined work habits at home, in ensuring that the students report to school on time and also by ensuring that the students welfare is generally well taken care of. Our parents have never disappointed us!

We also wish to thank the teachers who handled this class at all levels, right from Standard 1, for their gallant efforts. They did not labour in vain. And of course to the 2016 candidates for proving yet again that discipline, academic honesty and hard work pays.

We cannot forget the Ministry of Education led by Dr. Fred Matiangi and the Kenya National Examinations Council led by Prof. Magoha, himself a past student and past parent of Strathmore, for restoring integrity in our National examinations and giving hope to millions of Kenyan youth!

We wish our 2016 candidates and their families the best of luck as they move on to their next phase in life. You can count on our prayers and good will.


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