Our very own Deputy Principal for Innovation and Partnerships Dr. Alfred Matthews Odisa received his Doctoral Degree in Education Administration from University of Nairobi on the 23rd September 2022.

Dr. Odisa teaches Kiswahili in the Secondary Section and has been very instrumental in mapping out for us the CBC curriculum in the school.

Dr. Odisa is also ensuring that the school is reaching out to the community to assist in different projects.
We warmly congratulate to Dr. Odisa on this great milestone!

St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School and Children’s Centre is a charitable facility that hosts over 200 children (both boys and girls) mainly from the streets and low income families in areas like Kayole, Kibra, Dandora and Mathare in Nairobi. The institution was founded in 2010 by Brothers of St. Charles Lwanga whose compassion and love for children was moved by the suffering of the youths in Nairobi and its environs. The school is located in Ruai, 40kms from the CBD on the Nairobi-Kagundo Road.

St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School and Children’s Centre is a place where orphaned, homeless and abandoned children are rescued and provided with shelter, food and a place to call home.

Today the Centre is offering high school curriculum and the children are provided with a safe place to live in, a reliable source of nutritious food and the opportunity to gain high school education with the possibility of post-secondary education. Brothers who earn no salary find it difficult to meet all these needs.

The Brothers of St. Charles Lwanga have sacrificed a lot. Strathmore School, in solidarity with the Brothers have established the urgent needs of the school. In this regard we have donated text books and staff furniture.

Their immediate need at the moment is to roof a boys’ dormitory that stalled two years ago and to acquire decent desks and chairs for the learners.

We appeal to anyone who can offer physical or financial support to get in touch with us using the contact details found in the CONTACTS SECTION on this website.

May God Bless you for your support!


Strathmore School and the Nairobi Metropolitan Services have partnered to give a face lift to the shoulders of Mzima Springs Road.

In 2021, The Nairobi Metropolitan Services paved the shoulders of the Mzima Springs Road as part of their grand plan to provide major streets in Nairobi with pedestrian walkways.

To supplement these efforts, Strathmore School embarked on the street frontage landscaping aimed at giving a facelift to the shoulders. The lead architect in this project was Wycliffe Nyachwaya (Class of 2001). The project entailed planting of grass, shrubs and palms tress as well as installation of bollards, and waste bins.

The fruits of this partnership is the beautiful garden and walkway that gives a welcoming ambience to all those visiting the school; indeed, this has been a beautiful partnership!

Silvano Borruso(1934 – 2022) was among the first members of staff at Strathmore College (later Strathmore School). For 60 years he gave himself tirelessly in the formation of the thousands of the young people who passed through his hands at Strathmore. We can keep his legacy alive by contributing to the SILVANO BORRUSO MEMORIAL FUND to enable bright children from needy backgrounds enjoy an education at Strathmore.

Contributions can be made in the following ways:

1. Through M-pesa:
Pay Bill Number: 561550

2. Bank Deposit:
Account Number: 03-045-5316235
Swift Code: BARCKENX

3. Cheque
Payable to

Eternally grateful to God for the gift of Silvano Borruso.

Silvano, one of our founding teachers, peacefully departed this life into God’s presence on 1st January 2022. He not only helped in designing the school grounds but also joined the founding staff when the school opened its doors in 1961.

He selflessly dedicated himself to the formation of generations of students in the school and in the apostolate of Opus Dei on Kenya and East Africa.

Silvano served in various capacities in the school; bursar, mentor and teacher. He taught Biology, Geography, Mathematics, Physics, Religion an Ethics. He loved taking care of the environment and wrote many books.

His requiem mass was in school on Saturday 8th January 2022 followed by interment at Lang’ata Cemetry. The mass and interment was streamed live.

Eternal rest grant unto Silvano Borruso Oh God and may perpetual light shine upon him forever. Amen!

This year we are celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the opening of Strathmore. As a sign of our thanksgiving for this celebration,we decided to celebrate the feast of St. Josemaría this year with a special one-week challenge.

Guided by the maxim: “To begin is for everyone, to persevere is for saints.” We took on Seven Days, with Seven Challenges and Seven Quotes for each day. All this led to the feast of Saint Josemaría on the 26th June 2021.

We steered on with the challenge of putting into practice the spirit that St. Josemaría wanted for Strathmore.

Day 1: Monday 21st June (Giving Thanks)

Challenge: Get used to saying thanks
Say a simple thanksgiving prayer (Grace) before each meal:
Example of a simple prayer: “For what I am about to receive, I give thanks.”

Quote of the day: “Ut in gratiarum semper actione maneamus!

Day 2: Tuesday 22nd (Hour of Study ...)

Challenge: Offer up an hour of study today in 3 Easy Steps:
i. Single out an hour of the day from your study timetable.
ii. Say a simple prayer like, “My God, I offer you this hour of study,” before you begin
iii. Try to study as well as you can (no distractions).

Quote of the Day: “Study. Obedience: non multa, sed multum — not many things, but well.

Day 3: Wednesday 23rd (Little Things)

Challenge: Make your bed in the morning
It seems like a trivial matter right? Why should you make your own bed knowing that you will sleep in it in the evening?
A made bed creates the appearance of a neat and pulled-together bedroom. If you start by setting up everything with purpose, your room will set the stage for
what you do in the house and how you should act that day. Setting up your room in the morning therefore means overcoming the “devils in your house and in your

Quote of the day: “Have you ever stopped to consider the enormous sum that many ‘littles’ can come to?”

Day 4: Thursday 24th (Friend in Deed)

Challenge: Go to the chapel to Greet Jesus
Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, in the tabernacle. He is there because he knows you need him . Do you bother to greet him? He is waiting.
i. Pass by the chapel as soon as you arrive in school to tell Jesus “hi”.
ii. Pass by at the end of the day to tell Him “bye”.

Quote of the day: “When you approach the tabernacle, remember He has been waiting for you for twenty centuries.

Day 5: Friday 25th (The First Battle)

Challenge: Heroic Minute
The heroic minute is a chance to exercise heroic virtue at the moment of waking up.
i. Pray about it the night before – Our wills are weak, and we need graces to do even the smallest good act.
ii. Don’t give yourself excuses – Just do it!
iii. Move your alarm – Where is your alarm in the room? This can make a big difference. If it’s far from the bed and you have to get up to shut it off, you are far more likely to get up right away.

Quote of the day: “The heroic minute. It is the time fixed for getting up. Without hesitation: a supernatural reflection and … up! The heroic minute: here you have a mortification that strengthens your will and does no harm to your body.

Day 6: Saturday 26th (Honour Your Mother)

Jesus had a mother and he honoured her. Honouring our parents is also a commandment.
Challenge: Give a genuine compliment to your Mother
You need reasons? Here are some: You can compliment her when/because …

  • She tells you the truth, even if you don’t want to hear it.
  • She always picks up the phone when you call.
  • She will cook you dinner when you return home.
  • She always makes sure you have everything you need, even if it’s more than enough.
  • She makes you want to be a better person.
  • She is your biggest fan and supporter.
  • She is the only one listen to you talk about yourself for hours.
  • She listens to your complaints and doesn’t complain about you complaining.

Quote of the day: “Love for our Mother will be the breath that kindles into a living flame the embers of virtue hidden in the ashes of your indifference.”

Day 7: Sunday 27th June (Honour Your Father)

Jesus had a Father on earth and he honoured him. Honouring our parents is also a commandment.
Challenge: Do something with or for your Father
Example: wash the car, mow the lawn, go for a walk, play chess, draughts, golf, call, pray, etc.

Quote of the day: “For Jesus must have resembled Joseph: in his way of working, in the features of his character, in his way of speaking. Jesus’ realism, his eye for detail, the way he sat at table and broke bread (…) — all this reflects his childhood and the influence of Joseph.”

On the afternoon of 27th May Don Mariano Fazio visited us and had a get together with teachers and students. Don Mariano is the current Auxiliary Vicar of Opus Dei.

He got a surprise welcome cheer from Grade 3 pupils and later had a get together with the staff of the school, Form 4 and Grade 2.

At the get together with the staff members of the school; he mentioned that the Vicar Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, Prelate of Opus Dei prays for us everyday since they have a painting of Strathmore School in their house in Rome.

Some take away pointers from him were:
1. We should have broad horizons.
2. We try to work professionally but above all we should try to remember that it is a real service.
3. To remember that I maybe teaching the lowest class but I will work well if I am putting love in my work.
4. I may be teaching a particular subject but must remember that I have to transmit values through my work.
5. As a school we need to work with unity despite differences in our opinions.
6. To remember that we have the souls of young men in our hands and we can affect them positively.
7. That the best mode of teaching is by our example.

Mr. Michael Robert Lyford-Pike Peirano, a long-serving teacher at Strathmore School, peacefully departed this life into God’s presence on Monday, 23rd November 2020 at the Nairobi Hospital after a short illness.


Son of the late John Francis Victor Lyford-Pike and the late Maria Teresa Peirano, Michael arrived in Kenya from his home country, Uruguay in 1988. He started working at Strathmore School in 1989. He has served in the school in various capacities. At the time of his demise, Michael was on a sabbatical leave in Kampala, Uganda from 2017.

Michael was also involved in numerous apostolic initiatives of Opus Dei in Uruguay, Kenya and Uganda. He will be remembered by many for his simplicity, cheerfulness and generous heart.


Since December last year there has been lots of construction work happening in school:

1. Extension of the tuition block: There will be a 2nd floor in the secondary block (Tuition Block). The floor will have 4 classrooms with a capacity of 40 students each, students’ restroom, staff room, laboratory, teachers offices, cleaning store and a lift!

2. Public Washrooms at the parking lot next to the generator room at bus washing bay: There will be gents and ladies sections. In the gents’ section there will be 2 urinals, 2 regular size toilets, 1 toilet for the handicapped and 1 toilet for children. In the ladies’ section there will be 4 regular size toilets, 1 toilet for the handicapped, 1 toilet for children and a baby changing station.

Three students; Will Iha, Leone Oteba and Festus Kinuthia from the media club did an interview on two teachers; Bw. Evans Mosoti and Mr. Justus Makokha.

Interview with Bw. Evans Mosoti - Will Iha (F2 &) na Leon Oteba (F2 A)
sw. Ni nini ilikuhimiza kuwa
jb. Sikudhani ningekuwa
mwalimu. Katika familia yetu
mimi ndiye kifungua mimba.
Wanuna wangu walikuwa
wakiniuliza kuhusu masuala
mengi kama kuendesha
baiskeli na pia mambo ya
kimasomo. Hii ilinifanya
kuona kama nina kipawa cha
uongozi na kuona kama
ningekuwa mwalimu bora.

sw. Umefunza shule gani
kabla ya kujiunga na
jb. Baada ya kuhitimu chuo
kikuu nilianzia taaluma yangu
ya kiualimu Kadino Otunga,
kisha nikajiunga na shule ya
Nova Pioneer na hatimaye kuja
hapa Strathmore.

sw. Nini ilikufanya uje
jb. Kila mtu, katika taaluma
yoyote huazimia kufika kilele
cha taaluma yake. Strathmore
ni shule tajika nchini. Kwangu
niliona Strathmore kuwa

sw. Unafunza madarasa yapi
na somo gani?
jb. Nilikuwa nafaa kufunza
Kidato cha Kwanza na cha pili
lakini Kidato cha tatu pia
hawakuwa na mwalimu,
nikaichukua juhudi ya
kufunza kidato cha pili na cha
tatu. Isitoshe, kama walimu
wa Kiswahili tumekubaliana
kuja pamoja kuwasaidia
Kidato cha nne katika marudio

sw.Kama mwalimu
unatarajia nini kutoka kwa
wanafunzi wako?
jb. Wanafunzi ambao
wanajituma na wanafunzi
wanaotia bidii katika kazi yao.

sw. Kama mwalimu wa
Kiswahili unaazimia nini
na wanafunzi wako?
jb. Kwanza kabisa, matokeo
bora. Hii ndio ya muhimu
Singependa mwanafunzi wangu kukosa
kujiunga na chuo kikuu kwa
sababu ya kuanguka somo
moja kama Kiswahili.
Pili, ningependa Kiswahili
kuwa lugha yao ya kuongea.
Watu wengi siku hizi hudhani
kuwa Kiswahili ni lugha ya
watu wa kiwango cha chini.
Ningependa kubadililisha
mtazamo huo hasi.

sw. Tangu ujiunge na shule
ya Strathmore, umependa
jb. Nimependa mambo mengi.
Kwanza, ni mazingira ya
ufanisi mkubwa, unapoingia
shule hii kitu cha kwanza
unachoona ni tuzo ainati, si
michezo tu bali tuzo za
masomo pia. Isitoshe jinsi
wanavyojaribu kuwafunza
wanafunzi mambo ya kidini.
Kama unavyoona kuna kanisa
shuleni na pia hufunzwa kama
somo darasani.

sw. Unapenda kufanya nini
kando na kufunza?
jb. Aghalabu mimi hupenda
kuogelea na kucheza kandanda.
Asante sana Mwalimu!

Evans Mosoti

Interview with Mr. Justus Makokha - Festus Kinuthia (F2&)
Q. How do you find Strathmore?
A. It is a very good school as I have noticed in my stay so far. The atmosphere is very welcoming. The students are
very good and disciplined. The staff is very welcoming too and are great to work with. The environment is conducive for learning and working.
Q. What schools did you 
teach in before coming to Strathmore?

  • Alliance Girls High School
  • Parklands Girls High school
  • Ngara Girls High School
Q. How are these schools
compared to Strathmore?
A. I take it as a challenge as this is my first time to teach boys. Each school has its own culture. I find Strathmore to
have a very nice culture that other schools should develop. The program in Strathmore is not rigid but rather flexible to the ongoing activities. There is not much pressure on the students especially candidates as the students have freedom to do the right thing. The school also highly values academics as well as sports. Strathmore has a student-driven program that works on discipline as a key thing.
Q. What is your favourite thing about Strathmore?
A. The freedom of students and that they are self-driven as I mentioned before. Students are also willing to learn.

Q. So, what do you do/teach here in Strathmore? 
A. I teach Biology in Form 1 and Form 3. I also teach Geography in Form 1. I am the patron of the French club.
Q. Why did you join Strathmore?
A. I wanted to gain more experience as I mentioned earlier. I have also known it for quite some time since I use the
route neighbouring the school a lot of times. I, as a Catholic, have also heard of Opus Dei. I also take it as a challenge to better my teaching skills for the future.

Q. What is your take on the detention system since the former schools you taught in used corporal punishment?
A. I guess it also depends on the time factor since a punishment like telling a boy to cut grass with a blade will take
a lot of time and this is a day school where school ends at 3:30pm. Detention is an appropriate means of punishing a student since they get to see the sense of the punishment. They also cover up for the time they lost doing their mistake by reading.

Q. Lastly, how do you find the staff in Strathmore?
A. The staff is very welcoming and willing to help. They are an interactive and are willing to help, all the way from the
workers to the principal.

Justus Makokha

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