The 6th Roll Ball World Cup 2023 at was held in Pune India from 21st April to 26th April 2023. Kenya emerged victorious. The national team was captained by our very own Sports Director Mr. Joseph Alukhala. Joseph steered the team to a good fight through the competition.

We congratulate Joseph and the team in their great efforts in preparing and representing the country in the Rollball World Cup!

Our alumnus Josemaría Form 4 Class of 2019 last April 15, 2023, he had the privilege to represent his school, the University of Manchester in UK in an annual competition of aerospace engineering students in Dayton Ohio, USA, called “IT FLIES 2023!” Incidentally, Josemaría told us that it was in Dayton that the first aircraft was invented and flown by the Wright brothers in 1903.

The good news is that his team, composed of himself and his classmate, bagged the Most Innovative Aircraft Design. They also won 3rd prize in Best Project Presentation! Their aircraft was “flown” and assessed in a flight simulator by pilots from the U.S. Air Force. It was not enough to design a plane but it has to be able to “fly” in the engineering flight simulator. The judges were experienced test pilots from the US Air Force. Josemaría’s team spent 3 long months doing intensive calculations on this project. Finally, they came up with a 6th generation fighter jet with supersonic cruising speed of Mach>2 and optimized for very low combat maneuvers to avoid radar detection. They were also thankful to Manchester University for funding the trip; it was their first time in the US and they were so thrilled.

On May 5, the newsletter of Manchester University’s School of Engineering, their home for Engineering is the largest in the UK, featured Josemaría and team mate on the front page for “outstanding performance on the IT Flies competition” of their students.

Josemaría remains ever grateful for the foundation got from Strathmore School! We wish his the very best in his Engineering efforts!

On the 25th April to 28th April our swimmers participated in the nationals schools swimming championship. 3 of our swimmers competed well for Nairobi County and managed to qualify for East Africa Secondary School games in Rwanda. The qualification criteria for the East Africa Schools Swimming Championships was Position 1 & 2 in all events.

Their performances were as follows:
Curtis Kamotho
Position 1 50m Breastroke
Position 1 50m Backstroke

Emmanuel Otieno
Position 2 100m Freestyle

Adam Otieno
Position 2 100m Breastroke

All of them have qualified for East Africa Games, Rwanda. In August. We wish them all the best!

On the 10th March at Moi Girls High School there was the Sub County Levels of KSEF.

Strathmore School Science Club had 8 entries spread across 4 categories – Chemistry, Biology & Biotechnology, Agriculture and Engineering.

In the 8 entries we had; 3 qualified for the next round which is Regional Level which was on 14th April 2023.

The 8 entries that were entered were:
Chemistry – Electrolysis machine
Biology & Biotechnology – Septic water purifier
Agriculture – Fruit picker
Agriculture – Home-made sprinkler
Engineering – Push down water dispenser
Engineering – Versatile aircraft
Engineering – Advanced charcoal cooler
Engineering – Compression (mosquito net)

The 3 entries that qualified and positions were:

1. Advanced Charcoal cooler by Mark Teiye Form 2 and Roy Maina Form 2 became position 20 in Nairobi

2. Water Dispenser by Grade 7 Xavi Odumbe and Kamita Gichui Grade 7 became position 25 in Nairobi

3. Versatile Aeroplane by Jason Gatu Grade 7 became position 26 in Nairobi

Congratulations to the club members who had entries and those looking forward to next year.


The handball team played in the county games on the 5th and 6th April
We were pooled alongside Parklands Secondary and Githurai Secondary. The team won against Githurai Secondary and lost to Parklands Secondary.
In the knockout stages they played and fought hard but lost narrowly to Utawala Academy 18-16.
That marked the end of the Handball season and we look forward to better performance next season.

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