On Saturday, 11th January 2017, Form 4 students went to Kabete Rehabilitation centre situated on Lower Kabete. The group comprised of 61 students and four teachers namely Mr. Karani, Mr. Onyango, Mr. Kerongo and Mr. Maina. A good number of those absent were representing the school in a basketball tournament in Upper Hill School.

Kabete Rehabilitation Centre is a government run institution with a current population of 62 pupils and 26 members of staff. This is a drop from 2016 by almost 50%. The population will go up during the course of the year when the new batch of students is dispatched.  The institution is considered a medium risk institution since it accommodates petty offenders between the ages of 11 to 17 years who are sent by the Children’s courts. It offers primary education for classes 5 to 8 and also vocational training such as tailoring, masonry, cookery and metal work.

We were received by Pastor Stephen Nganga, who was on duty, in the company of five staff members and the 62 students. This reception took place in the assembly grounds.

They assigned a Mentor (Strathmore student) to each Kabete student.  Activities of the day included trimming and slashing, sweeping and cleaning the assembly grounds, raking and piling the trash in a pit, splitting firewood using axes, helping in the kitchen and helping the IT department (2 students)

Sports was the highlight of the day with a captivating football match that ended 3 – 0 in favor of Strathmore.

The class managed to donate the following items: tissue, bar soap, toothbrush, petroleum jelly, maize flour, wheat flour, cooking fat, cooking oil, sugar, salt, rice, green grams, beans and other cereals, slippers, shoes, exercise books, pencils, baking powder, tea leaves, revision books, milk and mangoes.

At around 4:35 pm, they arrived at School safely.

On Saturday, 4th February 2017, 30 members of the Research Club led by their Patron Mr. Kerongo, attended the National Research Club competition held at the Kenya School of Government (KSG). The theme of the competition was, “Corruption the social evil”.

Research Club is among the clubs in the extra-curricular activities in the secondary section. The club did very well despite their tight schedule in preparing for this competition. They attained position 6 out of 12 and all the members were certified.

Congratulations to the Research Club!

On Wednesday, 1st February 2017, Form 1 2017 parents attended their first meeting that was held in the common room. The meeting started at 3:45 pm. The aim of the meeting was to welcome parents and tell them how the school operates. The Principal introduced the Class Teachers and Subject Teachers of form 1 who were present. He went ahead to explain about the school before inviting the Head of Secondary section who talked about Academics and Discipline. The Head of the Tutorial Department had an opportunity to tell parents about the tutorials which help in a special way in understanding every individual boy in school. The Director of Hodari Club also got an opportunity to explain about the club and how they run their activities. The final speaker of the day was the School Chaplain who talked about the School Chaplaincy and how it helps to mould an individual to be able to grow academically and spiritually.

We wish the Form 1 parents all the best as they start their long journey in the school.

On Saturday, 11th February 2017, Debate Club students attended the Nairobi Regions annual Great Debaters’ Contest in Starehe Boys’ Centre and School. Strathmore School were set to face off with Mount Kenya Academy on the motion, ‘Closure of refugee camps will ease terrorism in Kenya’.

Boys took time to research and prepare past the motion especially during the Clubs’ meeting on Thursdays. They sought advice from their Patron and students who were members of the Debate Club. They did everything in their power to get the information they needed.

The Club members arrived at the venue at around 9:50 am. Representatives were chosen after a rigorous consultation. They were; Ziva Auki (F3 A), Jonathan Wamarema (F2 Alpha) and Daniel Abate (F3 A).

The event was full of surprises as Mount Kenya Academy failed to turn up leading to Strathmore School being paired against Starehe Girls’ High School and presented with a new motion that they had not prepared for.

The new motion ’Sex education should be introduced as a solitary subject in the proposed 2-6-3-3 curriculum’; a motion that was truly on to intrigue all ears around. A subsequent coin toss was done by the judges that led Strathmore to oppose the motion.

Strathmore students gathered in the library to research on their points. Before long, it was time for debate.  All gathered in the hall witnessed what turned out to be an epic battle; a battle of wits. Starehe Girls gave a real challenge and the boys countered. Nevertheless, Ziva Auki got firm with the help of Daniel Abate and the complete mastery of eloquence in speech from Jonathan Wamarema (who completely swept the opposition off their feet), they were able walk home with the highest points. They were awarded 79 out 100. Closely following were the hosts, Starehe Boys Centre, with 74 points.

Congratulations to Debate Club!

The release of the 2016 KCSE results late last year generated a lot of interest. These were the most credible national examinations results in a long time. The highlights of the results were the reduced number of students who managed to score the aggregate A Grade and the decline in performance in a number of subjects including English, math and chemistry.

Despite all these odds, Strathmore School emerged the top school in the country in three subjects: math, English and French. This success was undoubtedly the fruit of the hard work of the candidates with the support of the parents and teachers who generously gave themselves.

The firm foundation that our students receive in Form 1 and 2 in English especially by inculcating the reading culture through the reading of English classics is largely responsible for the good performance in the subject. As any good teacher of English will tell you, success in productive skills in language: Speaking and writing is heavily dependent on receptive skills: reading and listening. The school’s investment in IT in the classrooms has also gone a long way in improving the teaching of languages. Students can now watch videos on speaking skills, oral literature and set books in class. This has contributed in the enhanced performance in English and French in the national exams.

For a long time now, Strathmore has been the top school in mathematics in KCSE examinations. This culture of excellence in mathematics has been maintained through the shaping of the attitudes of the students. The teachers of math have continuously inflamed the students with their passion for the subject. Even the students who might have joined the school with a defeatist attitude towards the subject have been transformed over time. Of course, this has been complemented with a lot of hard work on the part of the teachers and the students.

We cannot take this success for granted. We wish to thank the parents of these candidates for the support they gave their sons to realise these good results. Being a day school, Strathmore heavily relies on the support of the parents in ensuring that the students keep disciplined work habits at home, in ensuring that the students report to school on time and also by ensuring that the students welfare is generally well taken care of. Our parents have never disappointed us!

We also wish to thank the teachers who handled this class at all levels, right from Standard 1, for their gallant efforts. They did not labour in vain. And of course to the 2016 candidates for proving yet again that discipline, academic honesty and hard work pays.

We cannot forget the Ministry of Education led by Dr. Fred Matiangi and the Kenya National Examinations Council led by Prof. Magoha, himself a past student and past parent of Strathmore, for restoring integrity in our National examinations and giving hope to millions of Kenyan youth!

We wish our 2016 candidates and their families the best of luck as they move on to their next phase in life. You can count on our prayers and good will.


The above contest was held between Wednesday, 8th and Friday, 10th February 2017 at Oshwal Academy Nairobi. Our school presented participants from standard 1 to 6. Other schools that took part in this contest were:

  • Oshwal Academy (Host), Samaj School, Light Academy, Aga Khan School, Kianda School, Nairobi International School, Arya Vedic and Braeside School.

Our performance was as follows in various classes:

Standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6; Position 5, 6, 5, 1, 3 and 3 respectively.


Following the death of Bishop Javier Echevarria on 12th December 2016, an elective congress was conceived in Rome in which Mosignor Fernando Ocariz was elected Prelate. On the same day, The Holy Father, Pope Francis confirmed him as the new Prelate of Opus Dei. Until then Mosignor Ocariz was the Auxilluary Vicar. In this role, he was the principal assistant to Bishop Javier Echevarria.

Monsignor Fernando Ocariz was born in Paris on October 27, 1944, in a Spanish family exiled in France due to the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). The youngest of eight children, he graduated from the University of Barcelona with a degree in Physical Sciences in 1966. He received a licentiate in Theology from the Pontifical Lateran University in 1969 and a doctorate in Theology from the University of Navarra in 1971, the year he was ordained a priest. In his first years as a priest he was especially involved in ministry to young people and university students. Over the past 22 years he has accompanied the previous Prelate, Bishop Javier Echevarria, on his pastoral trips to more than 70 countries. Monsignor Ocariz becomes the third successor to Saint Josemaria.

A Mass of the Holy Spirit was held here in the school on 23rd January to pray for guidance for those electing the new prelate. On 27th January, a Mass of thanks giving attended by very many students and members of staff was held in the school chapel to thank God for the gift of the new Prelate.

All of us are invited to pray for the new Prelate as he takes over his new role as shepherd and Father of many sons and daughters including those in Strathmore School.

The Swimming Club  participated in the 2017  Kenya Swimming Federation (KSF) Nairobi Minnow Meet in Makini School. The boys registered impressive results despite having only a few training sessions prior to the event. The  team was composed of Standard 3 and 4 boys. Frank Mwenje, Std 3, won a bronze medal in breastroke while Kerama Nyanyuki, Std 3, won 2 silver medals in backstroke and breaststroke.

On Tuesday, 17th January 2017, fresh and enthusiastic faces thronged the school main entrance in the company of their parents. This was going to be 2017’s Standard 1 first day of primary school. They enjoyed the company of their parents right up to the registration table where they were welcomed by the Head of Section and their Class Teacher. They were later taken through the class procedures and also familiarized themselves with the new school environment. Their first day in school ended well.

Tuesday, 10th January 2017 marked the beginning of Form 1 2017. Fresh and handsome faces milled around the Form 1 class very early in the morning. They were ushered into their classes by their Class Teachers at around 7:10 am. The boys look very eager, happy and ready to start the journey of 4 years.

As they begin their journey, we wish them success.

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